Tips | Healthy Pregnancy - Pregnant Women



What detail scan?
Detail is also known as the anomaly scan in 2D ultrasound scan scan. Detail scan to be done between week 18 and week 24 for the baby.

The main purpose is to scan detail
• Assess the baby's age (GA), the development and position of the baby.
• Knowledge of infant development and structural abnormalities. Detail scans can detect 80% of serious physical abnormalities. However, this scan can not detect chromosomal defects such as Down syndrome. Only amniocentesis or CVS test that can detect chromosomal birth defects that are more accurate.
• Assess the level and position of the placenta, amniotic water.Detailed ultrasound scan usually takes about 20 minutes. However, it may take a long time especially when the baby is not an ideal position to see certain body organs such as the heart when the infant spine facing up. Sometimes, an ultrasound scan may be rescheduled if the baby difficult position being scanned.

What is the physical structure of the most major baby can be traced in detail scan?• Head of measuring brain structure
• Physical interfaces include the lips, nose bone, eye lens
• Neck
• Structur heart
• Abdomen, including the stomach, kidneys, intestines, diaphragm, lung, bladder and so on.
• Bone feet and hands, including fingers.
• Gender
• Cervix mother
• Inclusion in the baby's umbilical cord (cord Insertion).
• The level of amniotic water
• Position the placenta.
• Position the baby.

Detail how the accuracy of ultrasound scan to detect fetal abnormalities?
• Ultrasound is now widely used to detect fetal abnormalities in pregnancy. However, the detection rate of fetal abnormalities which can vary between 16-85%. Serious defects giving better detection of between 60-86%. Some defects occur only in late pregnancy.

For example, ventriculomegaly or hydrocephalus (accumulation of fluid in the brain) become redundant in the final stages of pregnancy. Therefore, in these cases, you are suggested to make pregnancy ultrasound scan at the distinction.
• Detection depends on the quality of ultrasound images. Clearer images will improve the detection abnormality.Factors that will affect the quality of ultrasound images include:(A) The thickness of the fatty tissue layer mother
• The thicker the layer of fatty tissue, the lower the image quality. This is caused by the refraction of sound and ultrasound penetration weaker than lean mothers.(B) Position baby
• Position the fetus is essential. For example, if the baby's spine is pointing up, it will be very difficult to see the baby's heart structure due to the shadow of the spine affecting the visible structure of infant baby's heart.(C) Lack of amniotic water (oligohydramnions)
• amniotic fluid water is a good medium for ultrasound waves travel. If the amniotic water diminished, the results of image quality will also be blurred.(D) The quality of the machine
• A more expensive machines will have the functionality and better image quality compared to the low-cost machine.(E) The experience and technical inspectors
• Finally, the experience of the examiner also affect the detection rate. Knowledge of an inspector for ultrasound sonography is very important to detect abnormalities in the ultrasound scan.The table below shows the common abnormalities that can be detected and seen opportunity in detail scan.

• About 20% of all abnormalities will not be seen in detail ultrasound scan for abnormalities is difficult to detect or abnormalities appeared at the end of your pregnancy. So, there is a possibility that your baby may have abnormalities at birth that were not detected during detailed ultrasound scan.The table below shows the accuracy of ultrasound baby scan abnormalities in different stages of pregnancy.

SCAN DETAILS 2D ULTRASOUND Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown