Tips | Healthy Pregnancy - Pregnant Women

PROBLEM UNDER URI (placenta previa, PP)

What is the function of the placenta (placenta)

The formation of the placenta starts to occur after the implantation (implantation) occurred. Uri is a connection between the baby and the mother for nutrition, respiration, excretion and so the fetus through the umbilical cord. From early in pregnancy, the fetus is fed through the egg yolk (yolk sac). Placental cells are actively growing and taking over the role of egg yolk on the 5th week fetus develops to nourish your baby. Mature placental weights about 400-500g.

The main functions of the placenta are:

(A) Nutrition

• Uri help transport nutrients from the mother's blood to the fetus through the umbilical cord.

(B) Respiratory

• Uri help to get oxygen from the mother's blood to the fetus and CO2 carbon dioxide from the blood of the fetus to the mother's blood.

(C) excretion

• Waste products such as nitrogenous substances produced in the baby from the placenta diangkutkan into the mother's blood stream.

(D) Storage

• Uri store some fat, glycogen and iron.

(E) the secretion of hormone

• Uri secrete hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, gonadotropin (hCG) that is essential for pregnancy.

(F) Protection

• Uri protect your baby from some infections. Toxic substances to be filtered first before reaching the baby. However, some harmful substances can not be filtered through the placenta. Therefore, pregnant women are asked to avoid the substances that can cause harm such as caffeine, alcohol, ingredients and herbs.

(G) Exchange of maternal antibodies

• Baby earn passive immunization against chickenpox antibodies but not against chickenpox and coughing from the mother through the placenta. The important thing is Rh incompatible. When the baby Rh positive and Rh negative mother, the baby's red blood cells in the mother's blood stream will raise antibodies against and cause hemolytic disease of the fetus.

What is placenta previa?

• The problem also known as the placenta under placenta previa where the placenta is near or covers the cervix. The placenta may cover part or all of the opening or os of the uterus where the baby exit is blocked.
• In the early stages of pregnancy, the placenta problem under the normal conditions. Normally, the placenta will change position when your uterus grows. If your placenta is not "moved on" and still be near or over the opening to the womb at week-28 and above, this situation can be said to placenta previa.
• Position the placenta below is divided into four types, namely

Type 1

Lying low - placenta in the womb but does not cover the openings womb. The distance between the placenta and uterine openings of less than 2 cm in ultrasound scans.

Type 2

marginal - placenta touches, but does not cover the openings womb.

Type 3

Partial - placenta partially covers the opening of the uterus.

Type 4

Complete - the placenta completely covering the openings womb.

What problems can be caused by the placenta under?

Bleeding without pain

• Uri below can also can cause severe bleeding during pregnancy or during delivery. This bleeding occurs suddenly and is not painful during the second or third trimester. Bleeding can start mild or moderate and can be severe. Bleeding can occur as early as the 20th week of pregnancy but it is most common during the third trimester.

abnormal position of the baby

• Position the baby may be horizontal, inverted or oblique. At maturity of the pregnancy, the position of the baby's head should be above the pelvic cavity.

Signs of premature birth

• 1 in 5 women who have placenta previa problem also have symptoms of premature birth such as uterine contractions. This can increase the risk of premature birth.

There were no symptoms

• Some women have no symptoms. Uri below can only be detected through an ultrasound scan.

What if you have placenta under (placenta previa)?

• If you have a placenta, you may need to deliver your baby by cesarean surgery depends on the type of placenta previa. You might be born through the vagina (Vaginal Birth) if you have TYPE 1 & TYPE 2. But, if you have TYPE TYPE 3 & 4, cesarean surgery is necessary. Get more information from your doctor about the placenta below.

PROBLEM UNDER URI (placenta previa, PP) Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown