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Premature Delivery of Babies

RISK / PROBLEM premature delivery of babies

Babies born before the 37th week is considered preterm (premature). However, 40 weeks is considered as a guide only where the average normal pregnancy between 38-42 weeks.

Premature birth giving less time to grow baby inside the mother's womb before the need to adapt outside the womb. Preterm infants, particularly those born prematurely often have health complications depending on how early the baby is born.
• Premature: Week-34 and 37 of pregnancy
• Very Preterm: Less than 32 weeks of pregnancy
• Too early premature: Less daraipada week 25 of pregnancy.

What are signs of babies born prematurely?

• small body size compared with the size of the head.
• Features a round face less than full-term infants mature.
• Skin appears thin, transparent and fragile.
• Fine hair (lanugo) covers large sebahagan baby's body.
• low body temperature, especially immediately after delivery.
• Problems of the respiratory system and breathing difficulty.
• Lack of reflex to suck, swallow and difficulty to be fed.

What are the risks or health problems experienced by preterm infants?

Some problems may become apparent at birth. Although not all preterm infants had complications, but the baby is born too early can cause short-term health problems and long term. In general, the earlier a baby is born, the higher the risk of complications.

Short-term health problems

• Difficulty breathing - have respiratory problems especially to infants born less than 35 weeks.
• Heart problems - have trouble patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) and high blood pressure, particularly to infants born less than 30 weeks.
• Problem brain - are at risk of bleeding in the brain, known as intraventricular hemorrhage, particularly to infants born less than 28 weeks.
• temperature control problem - Premature Babies can lose body heat very quickly because they do not have enough body fat.
• Digestive problems-have a weak digestive system because their intestines are not mature yet.
• Problem-bleeding system are at risk of blood problems such as anemia and jaundice (jaundice).
• Problem-metabolism have lower blood sugar.
• immune system problems, premature baby susceptible to disease due to the baby's immune system is relatively immature.

Long-term problems

• Cerebral palysi-interference in the muscles, position or movement coordination.
• The ability to learn is slower
• Visual problems-are at risk of retinopathy of pre-maturity (ROP), especially to infants born before the 30th week.
• The problem of poor hearing.
• dental problems.
• Chronic health problems, including infectious diseases, asthma, and difficulty swallowing.

NOTE: For some babies are born preterm, the risk of complications may not appear until later in childhood or adulthood. Several studies have shown that babies who are born prematurely may face an increased risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease in adults.

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