Tips | Healthy Pregnancy - Pregnant Women



Info Travelling when pregnant

Most airlines will prohibit pregnant women from ascending the plane after the 34th week of pregnancy. This is because you are more likely to give birth during this time. You are not recommended to travel during pregnancy especially in the first trimester because there is a risk of miscarriage. It often happens especially to pregnant women who have a high risk of recurrent miscarriage. Therefore, the best time to travel during pregnancy is the second trimester (honey-moon period) where content is more stable during this period. Short distance through air travel should not be a problem but you are not encouraged to take the long journey of more than three hours. HOWEVER, you should take the advice of your doctor before you go on your trip.

One of the Guide from airlines - EXAMPLE:

(Q) I'm pregnant. Can I fly?
(A) Yes, as long as you comply with the transport policy for pregnant passengers.
(A) Pregnancy up to 27 weeks (inclusive): passenger will be accepted without a medical certificate, provided he signed a statement of limited liability.
(B) Pregnancy between 28 weeks to 34 weeks (inclusive): passenger shall produce a medical certificate confirming the number of weeks of pregnancy, and the letter must be dated no more than 30 days from either the date of departure of the outbound flight or flights into the country of the scheduled (as the case may be). We strongly recommend that the medical certificate contains a statement that the passenger is fit to travel. Passengers must also be signing the Statement Liabititi Limited.
(C) Pregnancy at or beyond 35 weeks: demand for ferry passengers will be rejected.
However, to avoid any inconvenience, we highly recommend that you get a medical certificate. Contents of the letter shall comply with paragraph (b) above. You should bring all medical records and health documents while traveling during pregnancy.

What are the risks while traveling travel during pregnancy?

• Key risks especially during the long journey was trouble swollen legs (deep vein thrombosis, DVT) where the blood starts to coagulate in the veins of the legs. It can cause serious consequences to your health and you need immediate medical attention. The risk of developing DVT is also increased to some pregnant women but will usually increase the risk of DVT in long-haul travel. This is caused by your stomach's growing pressure on the blood flow from the body to the top. This often happens if you sit too long in the vehicle or aircraft. This additional fluid will accumulate in the legs much you and cause leg swelling. You can read the article on how to cope with swollen feet during pregnancy.

What is the right way while wearing a seat belt?

• When traveling by car, pregnant women still need to comply with the law to wear a seat belt. The proper way to wear a seat belt is the belt should be located in between the breasts and lap-belt placed under the baby bump and the whole thigh.

Are vaccines safe to travel during pregnancy?

• Most experts would advise that vaccinations for traveling during pregnancy should dielakkan.Ini fact that many of the vaccine medication has not been investigated whether safe for pregnancy content.
• In general, reliable live virus vaccine would provide the theoretical risk to the baby's development in the womb. Live virus vaccines, including measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine. Vaccine for yellow fever and oral polio can be used if there is a risk of infection but should be delayed until after the first trimester.
• live bacterial vaccines, including oral typhoid vaccine in pregnancy is not evaluated again. By the use of this vaccine safety is unknown. Diphteheria tetanus booster (ATT) is safe and encouraged to be given to pregnant women. Immunoglobulins can also be taken safely during pregnancy to prevent infection with the Hepatitis A.

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