Duration of the second stage of the baby's birth can be long which your baby can show signs that he is under pressure and difficult to be born. If the delivery is getting longer, the higher the risk of your baby's face. Therefore, there are many methods of birth is often required to expedite the delivery process. Your doctor will choose the method of assistance depends on the circumstances that may arise during your delivery.
When methods of relief used during childbirth?
There are many reasons why the method of assistance may be needed, including:• You no longer energized. Many mothers feel too tired to push your baby out if the birth process is long.
• Rahim you tired which is not strong uterine contractions to help push your baby again.
• Position the baby is right where the baby's head can not get into the cervix.
• Your baby is in the breech position.
• Your baby is deprived of oxygen which the baby's heart rate showed signs of pressure.
• Your baby is born premature or overdue.
• The use of epidural can reduce pain, but it can be difficult for parents to know when and how to push her baby.
• Mothers who have a high risk pregnancy such as diabetes, high blood pressure, respiratory or cardiovascular disease where the birth process can not be too long.
What type of assistance during childbirth methods may digunakkan?
- Episiotomy
- Induce birth
- Use forcep
- Use a vacuum
You may interest in reading about the signs of labor, means of delivery such as vaginal birth, cesarean, childbirth in water, the use of epidural, episiotomy wound care tips, and types of methods such as induce bersaline assistance, the use of vacuum or forcep. You might be interested also store cord blood stem cells for your baby.