Tips | Healthy Pregnancy - Pregnant Women


Cesarean is also known as C-section where the baby with a surgical on birth cutting through the abdomen and uterus of the mother. This procedure is only performed when it is determined to be a safer method than a normal vaginal birth. Some surgical cesarean was planned and scheduled, while emergency cesarean surgery can be performed due to other complications that occur during a normal birth through the vagina.

There are two types of deductions cuts horizontally and vertically cuts made in the skin and into the uterus in the lower abdomen of the mother. Crosswise cuts most frequently used because of bleeding is less and faster recovery than vertical cuts. It also increases the chance for a normal vaginal birth in future pregnancies. However, the type of incision is determined by the condition of the mother and baby.

What causes cesarean surgery performed?

There are several reasons that can make the procedure more likely cesarean, including but not limited to, the following:
• baby's heart rate showed abnormal baby where you might suffocation from lack of oxygen.
• Position the baby is normal as breech position
• Failure to melahiran baby through the vagina after failure forcep and vacuum use.
• Your baby is too big to be born through the vagina.
• placental complications such as placental problems below (placenta previa) and placental abruption.
• health and medical conditions such as diabetes mothers and high blood pressure.
• an active herpes infection in the vagina or cervix mothers
• Baby twins or more
• Experience two previous births are cesarean birth.
• rupture uterus (uterine rupture)
• Babies under stress (fetal distress).
• There is a tremendous growth to prevent the baby was born normally.
There are many other reasons which your doctor will recommend birth by cesarean.

What are the risks of running a cesarean surgery?

There are many complications that may occur during birth via cesarean surgery include:

Risks and complications to the mother

• Bleeding twice as much compared to normal birth.
• The risk of an abnormal separation of the placenta (placenta accreta), especially among mothers with previous cesarean surgery.
• Injury may in bladder or bowel.
• Infection of the uterus and nearby organs.
• Pain in childbirth is longer where the wound heals take longer.
• Blood clots in the legs, pelvic organs and lungs.
• The reaction to anesthesia.
• Bowel less active
• The risk of death is higher than normal birth.

Risks and complications to the baby

• preterm birth.
• Respiratory problems
• Cuts and injuries in infants.

You may interest in reading about the process of birth, type of birth as normal delivery, delivery by using some sort of method of assistance, including episiotomy, induce, forcep or vacuum and birth in water