Tips | Healthy Pregnancy - Pregnant Women


What is amniocentesis test?

Test Amniocentesis is a prenatal test in which a small amount of amniotic fluid is removed from the sac surrounding the fetus and tested. Amniotic fluid contains skin cells live fetuses were dropped during development of the baby such as alpha-fetoprotein (AFP). This material provides important information about the risk of genetic disease and the health of your baby before birth.

Why is amniocentesis test done?

Amniocentesis test done to detect some types of birth defects such as Down syndrome or other chromosomal abnormalities. This test has a low risk for both mother and baby. This test is usually offered to women who have high rikiso like:
• Test ultrasound showed the baby may not be normal.
• Have a family history of certain birth defects.
• Have a child with birth defects.
• Age 35 years old mother
Amniocentesis test does not detect all birth defects, but it can be used to detect a significant genetic risk such as:
• Down syndrome (trisomy 21), Patau syndrome (trisomy 13), Edward syndrome (trisomy 18)
• Abnormal on sex chromosomes
• Tues sickle disease (Sickle cell disease)
• Cystic Fibrosis
• The contraction of muscles (Muscular dystrophy)
• Tay-Sachs Disease
• neural tube defects such as spina bifida and anencephaly

Therefore, ultrasound scan done detail at the same time to detect birth defects can not be detected by amniocentesis test as cleft palate, cleft lip, heart defects and so on. However, there are a number of birth defects will not be detected either amniocentesis or ultrasound test detail scan.

In addition to knowing the genetic risk, amniocentesis test is the most accurate way to determine the sex of the baby before birth. It can also be done during the third trimester of pregnancy to determine the baby's lungs are mature enough to birth especially cases where early delivery is possible. Amniocentesis test may also be done to assess infection in the amniotic fluid in certain circumstances.

When amniocentesis test done?

If your doctor has recommended amniocentesis, this test is usually scheduled for the week of the 15th and 20th of pregnancy

How the accuracy of this amniocentesis test?

Amniocentesis accuracy is about 99.4%
Amniocentesis may occasionally unsuccessful because of technical problems such as unable to collect sufficient amount of amniotic fluid or failure of the collected cells to grow when the cells are cultured.

Does risk of amniocentesis test?

Yes. There is a small risk that amniocentesis can cause miscarriage (less than 1%, or between 1/200 and 1/400). Injury to the baby or mother, infection and preterm birth are other potential complications that can occur, but is extremely rare).

What is the procedure during amniocentesis test?

• A small area of ​​the abdomen are cleaned with an antiseptic for preparation amniocentesis.
• You may receive a local anesthetic (pain-relieving medication) to reduce any discomfort.
• Your doctor will determine the condition of the baby in the womb, baby's position and the position of the placenta using ultrasound.
• Under the guidance of ultrasound, the doctor will insert a small hollow needle through your abdomen and uterus and into the amniotic sac away from the area where the baby.
• Small amount of liquid (about 20 ml) will be drawn through the needle and sent to the laboratory for analysis.

You may feel a little tense and pressure or discomfort during the procedure done. Results can be obtained after 2-3 weeks.
After the procedure, you should rest for the day. If you feel any unusual tension, vaginal bleeding or feel there is amniotic fluid that comes out, there is a need to see your doctor as soon as possible. Avoid heavy lifting, sex and travel within 3 days.