Tips | Healthy Pregnancy - Pregnant Women



Antenatal check-up / prenatal screening

• Antenatal care is the care during pregnancy or childbirth. The purpose of antenatal care is to monitor the development of the baby and the health of both mother and baby content. Information, advice, assessment and treatment will be given to pregnant women when visiting antenatal check-up at the health clinic or hospital. All pregnant women need antenatal care a regular check-up during pregnancy.

What is the main purpose of antenatal care check-up?

To maintain optimal health for pregnant women and the unborn baby.
• medical problems such as high blood pressure monitored
• The problem of pregnancy complications can be tested and treated like diabetes during pregnancy.
• To detect abnormalities and complications of pregnancy in the early stages of the trials.
• Problems contents can be tested through ultrasound, amniocentesis, CVS and blood tests.
• To educate pregnant women about pregnancy and childbirth, especially to first time mothers. It helps pregnant women to dispel fears and ignorance.
• Pregnant women may be referred to a support group or antenatal classes.

When and how often you should make a visit antenatal check-up?

• When you think you might be pregnant with early signs of pregnancy, you should make a trip first antenatal check-up can be scheduled during week-8 and week-12.
• The actual number of visits to antenatal check-up depends on the individual pregnancy. If your mother the first time, you may need to visit antenatal check-up by an average of 10 times.
• If you have experience and are both on the content, you may need to make a trip by an average of 7 times.
• If a pregnant mother has a chronic medical condition such as high blood pressure, diabetes and other or have a high risk pregnancy such as late age, you may need to see your doctor more often.
• You are recommended to make antenatal check-up visits scheduled monthly until week 28 baby visit schedule two weeks until week 36 and every week until delivery schedule.

What will be done during antenatal visits?

During the first visit antenatal check-up you, your medical history and your family, physical examination and tests will be performed. Therefore, you should bring all documents pertaining to your health when you're planning your first trip run. You are also asked to remember the date is last menstrual period (LMP) to calculate the expected birth date of the baby (EDD) or according to the date of the first scan (REDD).

(A) medical history questions are asked

• Date of last menstrual period (LMP) and irregular menstrual cycle or not.
• Any sign of early pregnancy such as vomiting and keloyaan, bleeding and others.
• The history of your health, your spouse and your family. This record any probability of pregnant women to get a congenital abnormality or inherited diseases like Thalassaemia (blood disease).
• Medical problems such as diabetes and high blood pressure or a history of surgery that you have ever done
• Medications you're taking, including herbal products, natural remedies or traditional.
• Your lifestyle includes smoking, drugs or alcohol, diet, exercise and stress in the workplace.

(B) A physical examination

• Measure your weight & height.
• Checking your blood pressure.
• general inspection includes checking whether you conjunctival anemia, check whether the arms and legs are not swollen.
• Examine your heart and lungs through a stethoscope.
• Examine payudaru and your abdomen.

(C) The tests performed

• Examine your pelvis including pap smears to test for cervical cancer.
• Perform urine test. The presence of sugar in the urine indicates you may have diabetes during pregnancy, while the presence of protein in the urine indicates you may have a urinary tract infection (UTI).
• Doing a blood test to check the level of hemoglobin (Hb), blood group, rhesus (RH), Hepatitis B, HIV and VDRL (for syphilis).
• Performing an ultrasound to make sure your content inside of your uterus and not ectopic ectopic or molar pregnancy, as well as the actual age infants (GA) to predict infant birth date (EDD). The presence of baby's heart will also be monitored and that there are no pelvis such as the presence of ovarian cysts and so on.