Tips | Healthy Pregnancy - Pregnant Women



How asthma affects pregnancy?

• Uncontrolled Asthma is a threat that may threaten the lives of mother and fetus growth. The goal of asthma therapy during pregnancy are the same as in patients with asthma who are not pregnant to prevent hospital admissions, emergency room visits, work loss, and chronic disability. Allergens and irritants should be avoided, including exposure to pets and the harmful effects of cigarette smoke. Drugs should be chosen safely. Many of these drugs are considered safe anti-asthma during pregnancy, but pregnant women are at risk of asthma should be monitored by a subspecialist in order to optimize asthma control using drugs the safest.

What will happen the risk of asthma during pregnancy?

• Recent studies show that mothers can be controlled asthma during pregnancy does not increase the risk of maternal or infant complications. The study also shows that there is a direct relationship between low birth weight baby and poor asthma control. If parents require cortisone (steroids) orally or by inhalation, pregnancy does not appear to be affected as long as the asthma is controlled.

Why uncontrolled asthma affect the baby?

• Uncontrolled asthma causes a decrease in the oxygen content of the blood of the mother. Unborn baby gets oxygen from the mother's blood, decreased oxygen in the mother's blood can lead to decreased oxygen in the baby's blood. This will affect the lives of babies, infant growth and infant may be born deformed. Babies need a constant supply of oxygen for normal growth and development. In some cases, pregnant women with asthma have an increased rate of preterm birth and small babies.

Are asthma medications harmful to an unborn baby?

• Asthma medication usually has nothing to do with the increase in congenital birth defects. However, theoretically, there are some asthma medications may contribute to the increased risk to the baby. In the study, hundreds of pregnant women with asthma have shown that most of the drugs anti-asthma is suitable for use during pregnancy. Risk of uncontrolled asthma seem more at risk from the use of asthma medication. However, oral medications should be avoided unless it is necessary to control symptoms. In general, aerosols and sprays are options for treatment.

The following drugs are relatively safe and has been used in pregnant women with asthma risk:

• theophylline
• beta-agonists (eg, Proventil ®, Maxair ™, Serevent ®)
• Cromolyn sodium (Intal ®)
• nedocromil (Tilade ®)
• corticosteroids (egVanceril ®, Azmacort ®, Aerobid ®, Flovent ®, Advair ®, Pulmicort turbuhaler ®, Asmanex ® and short bursts of prednisone).

Source: The Asthma Center

• For most asthma experts, the risks of using the medication far outweigh the risk of having asthma, untreated or uncontrolled. Discuss with your asthma specialist before using any asthma or allergy medications during pregnancy.

What is the effect of maternal risk of asthma?

• Pregnancy can affect the severity of asthma. In one study, has been shown to worsen asthma in 35% of pregnant women, improved in 28% and remained the same at 33%.

When asthma will change during pregnancy?

• Asthma has a tendency to be more severe during the second trimester and early third trimester of pregnancy. However, pregnant women may experience less asthma in the last 4 weeks of pregnancy. The majority of pregnant women with uncontrolled asthma experienced some difficulty with asthma during childbirth.

Why is asthma worse for some pregnant women?

• Some pregnant women may experience gastroesophageal reflux cause belching, heartburn, and so on. Reflux, sinus infections and the increased stress could worsen asthma. Viral respiratory infections often cause asthma severity.

Can you breastfeed your baby if you are at risk of asthma?

• Breastfeeding is not should be discouraged. Transfer of drugs such as anti-asthma drugs (theophylline, beta agonists, Cromolyn sodium, steroids) and fever medications (antihistamines and decongestants) in breast milk is not measurable, but there is no evidence that this drug drugs have risks to the baby.
• Asthma control during pregnancy to be important for the health of mothers and babies in the womb. Pregnant women should be monitored on a regular basis that the more severe asthma can be treated immediately. When severe asthma can be prevented, almost all pregnant women with asthma have a normal pregnancy.